There was one Letters with Angel Gabby segment where Francis answered my question (Squee! /)^3^(\ ) about the other Angel Hares and he showed us a really beautiful painting of Gabby with two other Angel Hares. I was really inspired and thought I'd make fan characters out of them! I hope you all like them :3c

This is Angel Mikey! He is Gabby's older brother. Mikey is the most serious and straight forward out of his siblings. He takes his work very seriously and is usually tired.

And this is Angel Phee! They are the middle sibbling between Mikey and Gabby. Phee is soft spoken and loves to read stories to their friends. Whenever someone gets a scrape or bump while playing, Phee will patch them up and kiss their ouchie better.
Nice I also have a Mikey. The drawing was done by (It's a character blog but it was one of his only socials). He's the star of his own show (I've named in my head sort of a placeholder name "Bun 10") and he ofc is a Ben 10 parody I guess Ben 10's been a big hyperfixation for me. His Fran, Frankie or FRAAANKIEEE is a stoner and is actually sometimes more mature than Mikey. As for how'd he get weed Mikey does some GI Joe/Sonic Says style PSAs at the end of each episodes but he's pretty bad at it tbh and in doing a marijuana PSA Frankie got his hands on some of the devil's lettuce. I go more depth on them in my twitter thread
Here's some fan art I did of Francis meeting my OC, Rufus Raccoon.
Those tired little eyes on Mikey - poor guy, having to run around and keep track of his siblings!