The story starts with Gabby talking to us about how the sun works, or something until she is cut off by another angel, Angel Michael, and Angel Raphael. Gabby was delighted to introduce us to them, but they didn't seem to share her excitement.
It was strange because when I was younger, I believed that they were nicer than they are now. I am not sure if the person who narrated that part of the story is trying to convince us they are nicer or if I was just overly sensitive at age 5, but they said things to me like "That can't be true", "That's impossible", "That's impossible" over and over. They kept repeating "That's impossible" when Gabby introduced them.
I didn't understand why I had a different concept of angels back then, but they wouldn't stop looking at me. I was home alone at the time, but I swear I heard walking or at least thumping. I didn't want to check, I was scared. But soon they stopped and it went back to normal, like it never happened. I just made a note about it then forgot about it.
I don't recall the name of the later Angel's story, but it is a classic for people who like that. I still have the tape, but it's not working anymore. Maybe I poured orange juice on it when I was a kid?
Angel Michael and Angel Raphael are the two archangels that appear in the Bible, Gabriel being the third one. It's strange for the company to make them meaner now. Not that I'm advocating punching them in the face, but it's like they were supposed to be happy, and now they seem so dejected and annoyed. Maybe that's why we don't have any more angel hares?
anyways I recommend seeing those picture book that the company made..

I wonder if Gabriel is supposed to have the green light because he's the greener angel. Maybe their names are different because of that.
It wasn't something I noticed until I grew older...